Five Reasons Why I’m Running Everyday

Before the pandemic caused me to isolate for 12 days, I had been running everyday for 97 days non-stop. With isolation nearly over and time is coming for me to restart the run streak, with some people asking about the streak a fair bit, why I’m doing it? If I’m trying to prove something? What’s the goal? What is the motivation? I thought it would be best to explain on a video.

RACE PREVIEW: The Ciderthon

You like to run? But you like the occasional tipple? Wouldn’t it be fun if you could combine the two… Well Saturday 9th May you…

PODCAST: Not Another Runner featuring IanRunsLDN

I was extremely blessed to be asked to feature on the Not Another Runner podcast by Natalie a fellow runner who you can find over…

RACE NEWS: The Oxford Half Ballot Open

The Oxford Half makes it welcome return on Sunday 11th October 2020, the hugely popular Half is a ballot entry and with its mass appeal…


With 2020 looking to be a BIG year for races and adventures for me, I’ve felt the need to list all my races to keep…

With 2020 looking to big a BIG year for races and adventures for me, I've felt the need to list all my races to keep a track, check out what races I've got planned...sign up, come along and say hi!

Tour: Parkway Drive – Viva The Underdogs

“If Rock is dead, somebody ain’t looking”, Australian metal band Parkway Drive are continuing their way to Rock stardom with the release of their movie…

RACE PREVIEW: Hackney Half Marathon 2020

This years Hackney Half Marathon will take place on May 17th, and I for one can’t wait… I’ve ran the event previously and even when…