2024 Race Calendar

With 2024 well underway and my goal to continue running 5km minimum every day through 2024, making it two years of running daily. My race calendar isn’t jam packed, yet….

As we all know I’m a sucker for signing up to events and love the atmosphere of an organised event, so let’s see how many I can sign up to this year. I will be updating this calendar throughout the year with my times and a link to race recaps.


28th – Dry January 10km


3rd – High Performance Half Marathon – 1hr 30


7th – London Landmarks Half Marathon

14th – Manchester Marathon

20th – Dulwich Podium Series 5km

21st – Virtual London Marathon

28th – World United 5k


5th – Red Bull Wings For Life

18th – Hackney Moves Community 5km

19th – Hackney Half Marathon


1-2nd – Blenheim Palace Triathlon

8th – Level Water 24hr Swim Relay


14th – The London 10k


1st – The Big Half x Monday Mood Booster

22nd – Vitality 10,000 London


13th – Royal Parks Half Marathon

27th – Hyrox Mens Doubles with Ben


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