Coming up to week four of the Crossfit Open 2018 and I was pretty happy with my performance all things considered! Although I hadn’t completed enough training this year and the Crossfit Open highlighted this, doing what it is designed for and testing your abilities, strength and also knowledge. So far it was inspiring me to train more, as I know I could do better and in fact should do better if I tackled the training with the right mindset. Watching people conquer new movements for the first time in the open and seeing the pure ecstasy on their faces inspires me to push myself to new heights as well.
With the evening of the announcement itself I couldn’t be more frustrated at myself, first things first I fell asleep and missed the actual announcement. Follow that up with the fact that when I looked the following morning I was filled with an epic sensation of doom and despair.
The WOD announced was:
The doom and despair was due to the fact that as usual with the open this year and being incredibly new to Crossfit the Rx was out of my current skill set. I’ve been ok with this through this year’s Crossfit Open, accepting where I am at and what I need to work at and feeling compelled to work harder, train harder and learn more. The biggest issue is that I hate, like actually HATE deadlifts, and even when doing the scaled workout I would have to complete 90 deadlifts in total, if I managed to finish it, oh and did I mention that I HATE deadlifts. Being 6ft 3’ doesn’t make them much easier too. My form is sketchy at times and on Thursday I had endured an EMOM that meant I did 30 reps at 80kg. This was a weight I’m definitely not used to lifting either, especially that many times.
But this is the Crossfit Open, so I was going to give it my best shot, DO or DIE right? Well, I gave it my all and was lucky enough to have a judge that not only looked out for no reps but also for my form and I was rounding my back, it is amazing just how much people care about each other in this community. Needless to say, I got time capped with one deadlift to go, I was done and to be totally honest I wasn’t disappointed at all, my form towards the end was so bad, my back was going to go if I had carried on and it just wasn’t worth it. I have to keep the perspective that this is my first Open, and I’m not going to get to regionals so what is the point in risking long-term goals for short-term pride. I have so much more to learn and achieve and I’m going to do it the right way and take time to perfect technique and absolute boss it!
You can see my score below, it will be really interesting to compare this down the line to see how I have improved