With Halloween approaching I would previously have organised some sort of drunken adventure dressed up in the most horrendous outfit. But with the change in my lifestyle, this year I was looking for Halloween themed workouts. And after some searching, if I am honest I lost interest in the idea… that was until I posted my workout schedule on Instagram for the week and the crew at Ministry Does Fitness commented reminding me they were planning an extra special Showcase workout with the amazing Melissa Weldon. It took less than three seconds for me to decide, I’M IN!
It didn’t take long before the ridiculously awesome Brine (Laura) had joined and we were set, now the big question was what do we wear…as it was fancy dress and I had heard on the grapevine that no outfit meant getting punishment burpees. And I have previously experienced Melissa’s love for burpees when I went for a birthday workout and she got the whole class to do 36 burpees at the end of the workout to celebrate me being an old man! Last minute poor decisions were made and we went with NEON face paint and I donned my Ragnar Relay team top as it is pretty scary, I mean come on Barbra Streisand emblazoned on a bright 80’s style vest. Brine used the face paint to create an awesome sugar skull effect where I went with lazy stripes across my face.
Our workout squad on the stations that night was Laura, Fab and myself. And I knew that meant pushing hard, they are both absolute legends when working out and don’t mess about, the WOD consisted of the following:
Round 1 (1 Minute)
- Sprint
- Dumbell Snatch
- Mountain Climbers
- Burpees
- Military Plank
- Ball Slams
- Kettlebell Swings
Round 2 (2 Minutes/ 60s each exercise)
- a. Run b. Squat & Push
- a. Squat Pause b. Backwards Lunge
- a. Knee Raise b. Plank Taps
- a. Prowler Push b. Sandbag Cleans
- a. Incline Press Up b. Dips
- a. Ball Hold b. Wall Balls
- a. Goblet Squat b. Dead Row
Round 3 (3 Minute AMRAP)
- a. 10s Sprint b. 10 x Squat c. 5 x Squat Push
- a. 10 x Pause Squat b. 10 x Backwards Lunge c. 10 x Dumbell Snatch
- a. 10 x Knee Raise b. 10 x Plank Taps c. 5 x Mountain Climbers
- a. 10 x Sandbag Cleans b. 10 x Burpees c. 5 x Box Jumps
- a. 10 x Deadman Press Up b. 10 x Dips c. 5 x Military Planks
- a. 10s Ball Hold b. 10 x Slams c. 5 x Wall Balls
- a. 10 x KB Squat Jumps b. 10 x Dead Rows c. 10 x KB Swings
As you can see it was a workout designed to hit you HARD, Melissa never disappoints with her programming and hits you twice as hard with the motivation, the push and that look she gives you when you aren’t working hard enough. Yes I have been on the receiving end of that look more than once. I don’t go to enough of her classes if I’m honest and I really need to because no one does it quite like her…
Now I learnt some valuable lessons on this workout, NEVER workout sandwiched between two people that kill it every workout. It will push you too far, especially on a double workout day. I definitely regretted working out at 3 Aces CrossFit in the morning, my body wasn’t ready to be hit twice in one day…
Also Neon face paint tasted VILE when mixed with sweat and drips into your mouth during your workout, definitely makes you feel horrendous…
All in all it was one of the best times I have had in Ministry Does Fitness, the tunes were on point as per usual, the programming was on form and something I’d never experienced in MDF, and the company was outstanding. I would like to see a lot more of these special one off showcase events at MDF, it was a blast…see you next year!